Source code for stestr.test_processor

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import io
import os
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

import fixtures
from subunit import v2

from stestr import results
from stestr import scheduler
from stestr import selection
from stestr import testlist

[docs]class TestProcessorFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Write a temporary file to disk with test ids in it. The TestProcessorFixture is used to handle the lifecycle of running the commands. A fixture is used for this class to handle the temporary list files creation. :param test_ids: The test_ids to use. May be None indicating that no ids are known and they should be discovered by listing or configuration if they must be known to run tests. Test ids are needed to run tests when filtering or partitioning is needed: if the run concurrency is > 1 partitioning is needed, and filtering is needed if the user has passed in filters. :param cmd_template: string to be used for the command that will be filled out with the IDFILE when it is created. :param listopt: Option to substitute into LISTOPT to cause test listing to take place. :param idoption: Option to substitute into cmd when supplying any test ids. :param repository: The repository to query for test times, if needed. :param parallel: If not True, prohibit parallel use : used to implement --parallel run recursively. :param listpath: The file listing path to use. If None, a unique path is created. :param test_filters: An optional list of test filters to apply. Each filter should be a string suitable for passing to re.compile. Filters are applied using search() rather than match(), so if anchoring is needed it should be included in the regex. The test ids used for executing are the union of all the individual filters: to take the intersection instead, craft a single regex that matches all your criteria. Filters are automatically applied by run_tests(), or can be applied by calling filter_tests(test_ids). :param group_callback: If supplied, should be a function that accepts a test id and returns a group id. A group id is an arbitrary value used as a dictionary key in the scheduler. All test ids with the same group id are scheduled onto the same backend test process. :param bool serial: Run tests serially :param path worker_path: Optional path of a manual worker grouping file to use for the run :param int concurrency: How many processes to use. The default (0) autodetects your CPU count and uses that. :param path exclude_list: Path to an exclusion list file, this file contains a separate regex exclude on each newline. :param path include_list: Path to an inclusion list file, this file contains a separate regex on each newline. :param boolean randomize: Randomize the test order after they are partitioned into separate workers """ def __init__(self, test_ids, cmd_template, listopt, idoption, repository, parallel=True, listpath=None, test_filters=None, group_callback=None, serial=False, worker_path=None, concurrency=0, exclude_list=None, exclude_regex=None, include_list=None, randomize=False): """Create a TestProcessorFixture.""" self.test_ids = test_ids self.template = cmd_template self.listopt = listopt self.idoption = idoption self.repository = repository self.parallel = parallel if serial: self.parallel = False self._listpath = listpath self.test_filters = test_filters self._group_callback = group_callback self.worker_path = None self.worker_path = worker_path self.concurrency_value = concurrency self.exclude_list = exclude_list self.include_list = include_list self.exclude_regex = exclude_regex self.randomize = randomize
[docs] def setUp(self): super().setUp() variable_regex = r'\$(IDOPTION|IDFILE|IDLIST|LISTOPT)' variables = {} list_variables = {'LISTOPT': self.listopt} cmd = self.template default_idstr = None def list_subst(match): return list_variables.get(match.groups(1)[0], '') self.list_cmd = re.sub(variable_regex, list_subst, cmd) nonparallel = not self.parallel selection_logic = (self.test_filters or self.exclude_list or self.include_list or self.exclude_regex) if nonparallel: self.concurrency = 1 else: self.concurrency = None if self.concurrency_value: self.concurrency = int(self.concurrency_value) if not self.concurrency: self.concurrency = scheduler.local_concurrency() if not self.concurrency: self.concurrency = 1 if self.test_ids is None: if self.concurrency == 1: if default_idstr: self.test_ids = default_idstr.split() if self.concurrency != 1 or selection_logic or self.worker_path: # Have to be able to tell each worker what to run / filter # tests. self.test_ids = self.list_tests() if self.test_ids is None: # No test ids to supply to the program. self.list_file_name = None name = '' idlist = '' else: self.test_ids = selection.construct_list( self.test_ids, exclude_list=self.exclude_list, include_list=self.include_list, regexes=self.test_filters, exclude_regex=self.exclude_regex) name = self.make_listfile() variables['IDFILE'] = name idlist = ' '.join(self.test_ids) variables['IDLIST'] = idlist def subst(match): return variables.get(match.groups(1)[0], '') if self.test_ids is None: # No test ids, no id option. idoption = '' else: idoption = re.sub(variable_regex, subst, self.idoption) variables['IDOPTION'] = idoption self.cmd = re.sub(variable_regex, subst, cmd)
def make_listfile(self): name = None try: if self._listpath: name = self._listpath stream = open(name, 'wb') else: fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() stream = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') with stream: self.list_file_name = name testlist.write_list(stream, self.test_ids) except Exception: if name: os.unlink(name) raise self.addCleanup(os.unlink, name) return name def _clear_SIGPIPE(self): """Clear SIGPIPE : child processes expect the default handler.""" signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) def _start_process(self, cmd): # NOTE(claudiub): Windows does not support passing in a preexec_fn # argument. preexec_fn = None if sys.platform == 'win32' else self._clear_SIGPIPE return subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=preexec_fn)
[docs] def list_tests(self): """List the tests returned by list_cmd. :return: A list of test ids. """ run_proc = self._start_process(self.list_cmd) out, err = run_proc.communicate() if run_proc.returncode != 0: sys.stdout.write("\n=========================\n" "Failures during discovery" "\n=========================\n") new_out = io.BytesIO() v2.ByteStreamToStreamResult( io.BytesIO(out), 'stdout').run( results.CatFiles(new_out)) out = new_out.getvalue() if out: sys.stdout.write(out.decode('utf8')) if err: sys.stderr.write(err.decode('utf8')) sys.stdout.write("\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n" "The above traceback was encountered during " "test discovery which imports all the found test" " modules in the specified test_path.\n") exit(100) ids = testlist.parse_enumeration(out) return ids
[docs] def run_tests(self): """Run the tests defined by the command :return: A list of spawned processes. """ result = [] test_ids = self.test_ids # Handle the single worker case (this is also run recursively per # worker in the parallel case) if self.concurrency == 1 and (test_ids is None or test_ids): run_proc = self._start_process(self.cmd) # Prevent processes stalling if they read from stdin; we could # pass this through in future, but there is no point doing that # until we have a working can-run-debugger-inline story. run_proc.stdin.close() return [run_proc] # If there is a worker path, use that to get worker groups elif self.worker_path: test_id_groups = scheduler.generate_worker_partitions( test_ids, self.worker_path, self.repository, self._group_callback, self.randomize) # If we have multiple workers partition the tests and recursively # create single worker TestProcessorFixtures for each worker else: test_id_groups = scheduler.partition_tests(test_ids, self.concurrency, self.repository, self._group_callback) for test_ids in test_id_groups: if not test_ids: # No tests in this partition continue fixture = self.useFixture( TestProcessorFixture(test_ids, self.template, self.listopt, self.idoption, self.repository, parallel=False)) result.extend(fixture.run_tests()) return result