Source code for stestr.commands.slowest

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"""Show the longest running tests in the repository."""

import math
from operator import itemgetter
import sys

from cliff import command

from stestr import output
from stestr.repository import util

[docs]class Slowest(command.Command): """Show the slowest tests from the last test run. This command shows a table, with the longest running tests at the top. """
[docs] def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super().get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( "--all", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show timing for all tests.") return parser
[docs] def take_action(self, parsed_args): args = parsed_args return slowest(repo_url=self.app_args.repo_url, show_all=args.all)
def format_times(times): times = list(times) precision = 3 digits_before_point = 1 for time in times: if time[1] <= 0: continue digits_before_point = int(math.log10(time[1])) + 1 break min_length = digits_before_point + precision + 1 def format_time(time): # Limit the number of digits after the decimal # place, and also enforce a minimum width # based on the longest duration return "%*.*f" % (min_length, precision, time) times = [(name, format_time(time)) for name, time in times] return times
[docs]def slowest(repo_url=None, show_all=False, stdout=sys.stdout): """Print the slowest times from the last run in the repository This function will print to STDOUT the 10 slowests tests in the last run. Optionally, using the ``show_all`` argument, it will print all the tests, instead of just 10. sorted by time. :param str repo_url: The url of the repository to use. :param bool show_all: Show timing for all tests. :param file stdout: The output file to write all output to. By default this is sys.stdout :return return_code: The exit code for the command. 0 for success and > 0 for failures. :rtype: int """ repo = util.get_repo_open(repo_url=repo_url) try: latest_id = repo.latest_id() except KeyError: return 3 # what happens when there is no timing info? test_times = repo.get_test_times(repo.get_test_ids(latest_id)) known_times = list(test_times['known'].items()) known_times.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if len(known_times) > 0: # By default show 10 rows if not show_all: known_times = known_times[:10] known_times = format_times(known_times) header = ('Test id', 'Runtime (s)') rows = [header] + known_times output.output_table(rows, output=stdout) return 0