Source code for stestr.commands.last

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"""Show the last run loaded into a repository."""

import sys

from cliff import command

from stestr import output
from stestr.repository import abstract
from stestr.repository import util
from stestr import results
from stestr import subunit_trace
from stestr import user_config

[docs]class Last(command.Command): """Show the last run loaded into a repository. Failing tests are shown on the console and a summary of the run is printed at the end. Without --subunit, the process exit code will be non-zero if the test run was not successful. With --subunit, the process exit code is non-zero only if the subunit stream could not be generated successfully. The test results and run status are included in the subunit stream, so the stream should be used to determining the result of the run instead of the exit code when using the --subunit flag. """
[docs] def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super().get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( "--subunit", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show output as a subunit stream.") parser.add_argument("--no-subunit-trace", action='store_true', default=False, help="Disable output with the subunit-trace " "output filter") parser.add_argument('--force-subunit-trace', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force subunit-trace output regardless of any' 'other options or config settings') parser.add_argument('--color', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable color output in the subunit-trace ' 'output, if subunit-trace output is enabled. ' '(this is the default). If subunit-trace is ' 'disable this does nothing.') parser.add_argument('--suppress-attachments', action='store_true', dest='suppress_attachments', help='If set do not print stdout or stderr ' 'attachment contents on a successful test ' 'execution') parser.add_argument('--all-attachments', action='store_true', dest='all_attachments', help='If set print all text attachment contents on' ' a successful test execution') parser.add_argument('--show-binary-attachments', action='store_true', dest='show_binary_attachments', help='If set, show non-text attachments. This is ' 'generally only useful for debug purposes.') return parser
[docs] def take_action(self, parsed_args): user_conf = user_config.get_user_config(self.app_args.user_config) args = parsed_args if args.suppress_attachments and args.all_attachments: msg = ("The --suppress-attachments and --all-attachments " "options are mutually exclusive, you can not use both " "at the same time") print(msg) sys.exit(1) if getattr(user_conf, 'last', False): if not user_conf.last.get('no-subunit-trace'): if not args.no_subunit_trace: pretty_out = True else: pretty_out = False else: pretty_out = False pretty_out = args.force_subunit_trace or pretty_out color = args.color or user_conf.last.get('color', False) suppress_attachments_conf = 'suppress-attachments', False) all_attachments_conf = 'all-attachments', False) if not args.suppress_attachments and not args.all_attachments: suppress_attachments = suppress_attachments_conf all_attachments = all_attachments_conf elif args.suppress_attachments: all_attachments = False suppress_attachments = args.suppress_attachments elif args.all_attachments: suppress_attachments = False all_attachments = args.all_attachments else: pretty_out = args.force_subunit_trace or not args.no_subunit_trace color = args.color suppress_attachments = args.suppress_attachments all_attachments = args.all_attachments return last(repo_url=self.app_args.repo_url, subunit_out=args.subunit, pretty_out=pretty_out, color=color, suppress_attachments=suppress_attachments, all_attachments=all_attachments, show_binary_attachments=args.show_binary_attachments)
[docs]def last(repo_url=None, subunit_out=False, pretty_out=True, color=False, stdout=sys.stdout, suppress_attachments=False, all_attachments=False, show_binary_attachments=False): """Show the last run loaded into a a repository This function will print the results from the last run in the repository to STDOUT. It can optionally print the subunit stream for the last run to STDOUT if the ``subunit`` option is set to true. Note this function depends on the cwd for the repository if `repo_url` is not specified it will use the repository located at CWD/.stestr :param str repo_url: The url of the repository to use. :param bool subunit_out: Show output as a subunit stream. :param pretty_out: Use the subunit-trace output filter. :param color: Enable colorized output with the subunit-trace output filter. :param bool subunit: Show output as a subunit stream. :param file stdout: The output file to write all output to. By default this is sys.stdout :param bool suppress_attachments: When set true attachments subunit_trace will not print attachments on successful test execution. :param bool all_attachments: When set true subunit_trace will print all text attachments on successful test execution. :param bool show_binary_attachments: When set to true, subunit_trace will print binary attachments in addition to text attachments. :return return_code: The exit code for the command. 0 for success and > 0 for failures. :rtype: int """ try: repo = util.get_repo_open(repo_url=repo_url) except abstract.RepositoryNotFound as e: stdout.write(str(e) + '\n') return 1 try: latest_run = repo.get_latest_run() except KeyError as e: stdout.write(str(e) + '\n') return 1 if subunit_out: stream = latest_run.get_subunit_stream() output.output_stream(stream, output=stdout) # Exits 0 if we successfully wrote the stream. return 0 case = latest_run.get_test() try: previous_run = repo.get_test_run(repo.latest_id() - 1) except KeyError: previous_run = None failed = False if not pretty_out: output_result = results.CLITestResult(latest_run.get_id, stdout, previous_run) summary = output_result.get_summary() output_result.startTestRun() try: finally: output_result.stopTestRun() failed = not results.wasSuccessful(summary) else: stream = latest_run.get_subunit_stream() failed = subunit_trace.trace( stream, stdout, post_fails=True, color=color, suppress_attachments=suppress_attachments, all_attachments=all_attachments, show_binary_attachments=show_binary_attachments) if failed: return 1 else: return 0