Internal Architecture ===================== This document is an attempt to explain at a high level how stestr is constructed. It'll likely go stale quickly as the code changes, but hopefully it'll be a useful starting point for new developers to understand how the stestr is built. Full API documentation can be found at :ref:`api`. It's also worth noting that any explanation of workflow or internal operation is not necessarily an exact call path, but instead just a high level explanation of how the components operate. Basic Structure --------------- At a high level there are a couple different major components to stestr: the repository, and the cli layer. The repository is how stestr stores all results from test runs and the source of any data needed by any stestr operations that require past runs. There are actually multiple repository types which are different implementations of an abstract API. Right now there is only one complete implementation, the file repository type, which is useful in practice but that may not be the case in the future. The CLI layer is where the different stestr commands are defined and provides the command line interface for performing the different stestr operations. CLI Layer --------- The CLI layer is built using the `cliff.command`_ module. The stestr.cli module defines a basic interface using cliff. Each subcommand has its own module in stestr.commands and has 3 required functions to work properly: #. get_parser(prog_name) #. get_description() #. take_action(parsed_args) NOTE: To keep the api compatibility in stestr.commands, we still have each subcommands there. .. _cliff.command: get_parser(prog_name) ''''''''''''''''''''' This function is used to define subcommand arguments. It has a single argparse parser object passed into it. The intent of this function is to have any command specific arguments defined on the provided parser object by calling `parser.add_argument()`_ for each argument. .. _parser.add_argument(): get_description() ''''''''''''''''' The intent of this function is to return an command specific help information. It is expected to return a string that will be used when the subcommand is defined in argparse and will be displayed before the arguments when ``--help`` is used on the subcommand. take_action(parsed_args) '''''''''''''''''''''''' This is where the real work for the command is performed. This is the function that is called when the command is executed. This function is called being wrapped by sys.exit() so an integer return is expected that will be used for the command's return code. The arguments input parsed_args is the argparse.Namespace object from the parsed CLI options. Operations for Running Tests ---------------------------- The basic flow when stestr run is called at a high level is fairly straight forward. In the default case when run is called the first operation performed is unittest discovery which is used to get a complete list of tests present. This list is then filtered by any user provided selection mechanisms. (for example a cli regex filter) This is used to select which tests the user actually intends to run. For more details on test selection see: :ref:`api_selection` which defines the functions which are used to actually perform the filtering. Once there is complete list of tests that will be run the list gets passed to the scheduler/partitioner. The scheduler takes the list of tests and splits it into N groups where N is the concurrency that stestr will use to run tests. If there is any timing data available in the repository from previous runs this is used by the scheduler to try balancing the test load between the workers. For the full details on how the partitioning is performed see: :ref:`api_scheduler`. With the tests split into multiple groups for each worker process we're ready to start executing the tests. Each group of tests is used to launch a test runner worker subprocess. As the name implies this is a test runner that emits a subunit stream to stdout. These stdout streams are combined in real time and stored in the repository at the end of the run (using the load command). The combined stream is also used for the CLI output either in a summary view or with a real time subunit output (which is enabled with the ``--subunit`` argument)