.. _api_test_processor: Test Processor Module ===================== This module contains the definition of the ``TestProcessorFixture`` fixture class. This fixture is used for handling the actual spawning of worker processes for running tests, or listing tests. It is constructed as a `fixture`_ to handle the lifecycle of the test id list files which are used to pass test ids to the workers processes running the tests. .. _fixture: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/fixtures In the normal workflow a ``TestProcessorFixture`` get's returned by the :ref:`api_config_file`'s ``get_run_command()`` function. The config file parses the config file and the cli options to create a ``TestProcessorFixture`` with the correct options. This Fixture then gets returned to the CLI commands to enable them to run the commands. The ``TestProcessorFixture`` class is written to be fairly generic in the command it's executing. This is an artifact of being forked from testrepository where the test command is defined in the configuration file. In stestr the command is hard coded ``stestr.config_file`` module so this extra flexibility isn't really needed. API Reference ------------- .. automodule:: stestr.test_processor :members: