Source code for stestr.commands.list

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"""List the tests from a project and show them."""

from io import BytesIO
import sys

from cliff import command

from stestr import config_file
from stestr import output

[docs]class List(command.Command): """List the tests for a project. You can use a filter just like with the run command to see exactly what tests match. """
[docs] def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super().get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( "filters", nargs="*", default=None, help="A list of string regex filters to initially " "apply on the test list. Tests that match any of " "the regexes will be used. (assuming any other " "filtering specified also uses it)", ) parser.add_argument( "--exclude-list", "-e", default=None, dest="exclude_list", help="Path to an exclusion list file, this file " "contains a separate regex exclude on each " "newline", ) parser.add_argument( "--include-list", "-i", default=None, dest="include_list", help="Path to an inclusion list file, this file " "contains a separate regex on each newline.", ) parser.add_argument( "--exclude-regex", "-E", default=None, dest="exclude_regex", help="Test rejection regex. If a test cases name " "matches on operation , " "it will be removed from the final test list. " "Effectively the exclusion-regexp is added to " "exclusion regexp list, but you do need to edit a " "file. The exclusion filtering happens after the " "initial safe list selection, which by default is " "everything.", ) return parser
[docs] def take_action(self, parsed_args): args = parsed_args filters = parsed_args.filters or None return list_command( config=self.app_args.config, repo_url=self.app_args.repo_url, group_regex=self.app_args.group_regex, test_path=self.app_args.test_path, top_dir=self.app_args.top_dir, exclude_list=args.exclude_list, include_list=args.include_list, exclude_regex=args.exclude_regex, filters=filters, )
[docs]def list_command( config=config_file.TestrConf.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME, repo_url=None, test_path=None, top_dir=None, group_regex=None, exclude_list=None, include_list=None, exclude_regex=None, filters=None, stdout=sys.stdout, ): """Print a list of test_ids for a project This function will print the test_ids for tests in a project. You can filter the output just like with the run command to see exactly what will be run. :param str config: The path to the stestr config file. Must be a string. :param str repo_url: The url of the repository to use. :param str test_path: Set the test path to use for unittest discovery. If both this and the corresponding config file option are set, this value will be used. :param str top_dir: The top dir to use for unittest discovery. This takes precedence over the value in the config file. (if one is present in the config file) :param str group_regex: Set a group regex to use for grouping tests together in the stestr scheduler. If both this and the corresponding config file option are set this value will be used. :param str exclude_list: Path to an exclusion list file, this file contains a separate regex exclude on each newline. :param str include_list: Path to an inclusion list file, this file contains a separate regex on each newline. :param str exclude_regex: Test rejection regex. If a test cases name matches on operation, it will be removed from the final test list. :param list filters: A list of string regex filters to initially apply on the test list. Tests that match any of the regexes will be used. (assuming any other filtering specified also uses it) :param file stdout: The output file to write all output to. By default this is sys.stdout """ ids = None conf = config_file.TestrConf.load_from_file(config) cmd = conf.get_run_command( regexes=filters, repo_url=repo_url, group_regex=group_regex, exclude_list=exclude_list, include_list=include_list, exclude_regex=exclude_regex, test_path=test_path, top_dir=top_dir, ) not_filtered = ( filters is None and include_list is None and exclude_list is None and exclude_regex is None ) try: cmd.setUp() # List tests if the fixture has not already needed to to filter. if not_filtered: ids = cmd.list_tests() else: ids = cmd.test_ids stream = BytesIO() for id in ids: stream.write(("%s\n" % id).encode("utf8")) output.output_stream(stream, output=stdout) return 0 finally: cmd.cleanUp()